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Xiaofeixia Amusement Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China
  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net

The III generation trampoline park

Views: 14     Author: Xiaofeixia Group     Publish Time: 2021-07-07      Origin: Site


Now the trampoline park is not just for trampoline or simple bounce , it should be combined with a lot of different activities for all ages , Xiaofeixia (SVIYA) Group did build a new Indoor Extreme Advanture Sport Park , it should be the III generation trampoline park.

indoor trampoline park

The III generation trampoline park is not just a different game, it include unique design, new games and reasonable route , etc , if the old way trampoline park is 2D version, the III generation trampoline park is at least 3D version then , becuase when we make design, we will make games at the ground, middle part and also high area , after that we will try to connect each part by a slide or something , so it will looks spectacular.

indoor trampoline park 1

The new game include high rope course , new obstacle course , elastic maze , zipline, sky rider, etc , when we make design for you , we will take the structure of your building into consideration and give the reasonable advice , our purpose is to build the amzing trampoline park for all of you.

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  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net 
Add: No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China


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