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Xiaofeixia Amusement Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China
  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net

News and Events

  • How To Build The Trampoline Park
    Nowadays, trampolining became an official gymnastic sport. Since then, the sport has grown quickly—and so has the indoor trampoline industry. There are over 8000 parks in the world. Who is this business right for? Anyone who loves people, adventure and having fun may be well-suited for op
  • Come An Amazing Time At This Newly Built Trampoline Park
    This awesome trampoline park is a magical place accessible for both adult and kids. Upon entering,you will immediatly feel the freedom presented to you,kids will be running around playing with their friends and jumping about on mutity
  • Popular Item——Trampoline Parkour
    Trampoline parkour is made of trampoline and obstacles,it's similar as outdoor parkour but safer.This item is very suitable for teenages and aiming at training themselves physically and mentally.
  • 3500m2 Fun Indoor Trampoline Park By Sviya Amusement
    With a size of 3500m2,thisis amazing indoor playground contains a variety of activities including big ball pits,trampoline parks,ninja course,building blocks,zip line with foam pits,a 4 levels play structure and more With a size of 3500m2,this is amamzing indoor playground contains a variety of acti
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  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net 
Add: No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China


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