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Xiaofeixia Amusement Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China
  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net

Trampoline Park under the Impact of Virus of COVID-19

Views: 6     Author: SVIYA GROUP     Publish Time: 2020-04-01      Origin: Site

      From the end of 2019 to the begining of 2020, the whole world were under impacts of the COVID-19 , it was a terrible virus, hundreds of thousands of people were inflected, and also a lot of people died for that, all the human are faceing a major testing for life.

      As all we know that the trampoline park is a crowded places , some parks has more than 2000 people to play per day , as the virus will spreads in the air  , and also the less contact wiill be good for preventing the virus, so most goverments ordered the trampoline park owners to shut down the parks and asked people to stay at home. Which become huge disaster for the trampoline park and other entertainment business.

     But on the other hand, as all the people will be required to stay at home for servel weeks, their demand for going out side and playing will become very strong, so once the virus have been controlled, they will go out as soon as they can . And trampoline park must be their first choice to play , becuase many people will think better life will be on the base of the good healthy , do more exercise with the easiest way will be the best of the best choice , and the trampolin park is that way.

    So all the trampoline park operators and owners should do some per-work in order to provide the top service to the customers after the virus, and Xiaofeixia (SVIYA) Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd has concluded some points as below:

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  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net 
Add: No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China


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