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Xiaofeixia Amusement Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China
  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net

SVIYA Group Finished the EAS show in France

Views: 2     Author: SVIYA GROUP     Publish Time: 2019-09-24      Origin: Site




As the biggest Amusement Park Show in Europe, the IAAPA held the EAS for a couple of years , and every year in different countries of Europe, so that can be good for all the european customers to know the amusment park, and also good for manufacturers to get more chance to know the customers and market.

Europe is one of the main markets for trampoline park , as the good sports backgroud, all the european customers like sport too much , so it is very easy to start the trampoline park business there, also the trampoline park get popular very soon.

SVIYA Group did build a lot of trampoline parks in Europe, and also some big brands there, like gravity, jump nation, etc , and also we hope that we could supply more trampoline parks to europe, so that the european customers can get benefit from it.




  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net 
Add: No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China


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