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Xiaofeixia Amusement Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China
  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net

Olympic Champion Mr Sun Yang Visited The Trampoline Park Built By Xiaofeixia Group

Views: 18     Author: Xiaofeixia Group     Publish Time: 2021-07-14      Origin: Site

trampoline park

Mr Sun Yang is a famous swimmers all around the world , not only becuase he won a lot of gold medals , but also he break the world record on some swimming events , besides that he is also the olympic champion.

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Even if he is a swimmer , but he has good sports foundation, so he can play the trampoline very easy , also our trampoline park has professional coach to teach him how to play with safety , he had a lot of fun there, also he said he was very worried in the begining , becuase the trampoline was different as the swimming pool , but for sure that the trampoline park could provide enough safety environment to him , so he was less worried after jumping on some normal trampoline bed.

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   Sun Yang Plays Air Ball Game 

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Mr Sun Yang gave highly comment to the trampoline park built by Xiaofeixia (SVIYA) Group, and he is sure that if more trampoline parks will be opened, then it will be good for the National Fitness Program and people's healthy , Xiaofeixia (SVIYA) Group will keep learning and reasearching to creat more and more new activities for the trampoline park , so more people can get benefit from it.




  chinatrampoline@xiaofeixia.net 
Add: No,388, Xinjian South Road, Qiaoxia Town ,Yongjia Country, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province ,325106, China


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